Category: Riding Gear

  • A Cornucopia of crash caps…what I’ve learned about noggin protection

    A Cornucopia of crash caps…what I’ve learned about noggin protection

    Everyone who rides a motorcycle should wear a helmet.  I am sure some people will disagree, and that is their right.  But, and I mean no insult, wearing no helmet at all is foolhardy.  I might even say going lidless is stupid.  But hey, stupid is a choice sometimes too: and it is true that…

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  • Kevlar pants and motorbike GPS

    Kevlar pants and motorbike GPS

    I’ve been sick with a sinus infection for the last several weeks, and am now mid-way through my second week of antibiotics.  The infection was the outcome of my earlier flu that made my motorcycle lessons a bit more challenging. The illness has somewhat impacted my “biker geek” adventures, but hasn’t halted them entirely.  I’ve…

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  • Motorbike: wherein I re-live my youth

    Motorbike: wherein I re-live my youth

    I am not going to post right away about the unhappy news this week about Bilbo. I’m still digesting that. Instead, I’ll talk about something you may have noticed in my recent Twits (twitter posts), or if you follow me on Facebook. I’ve been talking about a re-awakened interest in motorbikes.

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