Month: June 2015
2015 Motorcycle road trip: An Unexpected Journey
Life is full of surprises: some good, some not so good. I don’t deal well with surprises, but to counter that I’ve adopted a ‘seize control’ mentality that sometimes kicks in and gets me past the unexpected. My motorcycle road trip for 2015 is essentially a case history of that adaptation of mine, and I’m not…
2014 motorcycle road trip: Yellowstone
I set out in June of 2014 (June 28, to be precise) to meet up with my brother Colin for the second of our ‘annual’ motorcycle road trips. The plan was simple: go to Yellowstone Park, and see what is to be seen. A very rough map of the sites we visited (if not the…
A Cornucopia of crash caps…what I’ve learned about noggin protection
Everyone who rides a motorcycle should wear a helmet. I am sure some people will disagree, and that is their right. But, and I mean no insult, wearing no helmet at all is foolhardy. I might even say going lidless is stupid. But hey, stupid is a choice sometimes too: and it is true that…
Looking for things to make us go: Road Glide performance upgrades
I decided in December of 2013 that 2014 would be the year I upgraded the performance of my 2011 Harley Davidson Road Glide. There wasn’t anything particularly wrong with my bike’s get up and go. But after over 65,000 kilometres of riding, I felt I knew better what I wanted when I rolled on the…
Motorcycle road trip 2013: Sturgis, New Mexico, Grand Canyon, Vegas, and aliens
Back in August of 2013 I set out on what would be my longest motorcycle road trip up to that point in time. Apparently it was so big that it has taken me nearly two years to even start documenting it 😉 That’s a little bit of an exaggeration- I did post a few things…
- Accessories (4)
- General motorcycling (9)
- Motorcycles (1)
- Repairs and upgrades (6)
- Riding Gear (3)
- Road trips (16)
- Site admin (1)